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Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Toddler Fun Learning Activities 5

Surprise for Lil Muallimah

In trying to continue the enthusiasm from Ummi and Lil Muallimah alike. I just finished preparing some surprise activities for Lil Muallimah.

So tomorrow when she asks me for an activity, I will be prepared Inshallah and she won't have to wait. :)

Infact I can't wait for her to get up and find her surprise activities. So when she does I will add her responses and post Beidhnillah.

Morning Adventure

In the morning I showed Lil Muallim # 1 and 2 what I had prepared.. they wanted to know what everything was? 

Lil Muallim # 1 commented with a smile...."How many activities? Did you make such things for me too when I was small... she has shelves full of them! :)"

Me: "Yes I did, only I didn't keep them in shelves I would just make then with different things. :)"

When Lil Muallimah woke up Lil Muallim # 2 immediately showed her .......

Lil Muallim # 2: " Look Mama made new activities for you!"

Lil Muallimah: "Yaaaaayyyy!!!"

Surprise Activities

Sensorial - Stereognistice Sense:
  1. Mystery Bag
Hand Eye Co-ordination
  1. Dry Pouring
  2. Wet Pouring 
  3. Inserting
  4. Spooning

Sensorial: Stereognistice Sense

Mystery Bag

Ok I have to admit as much as I LOVED the mystery bags as a 4 year old in my Montessori. I owe the techno language to my wonderful Montessori trained friend.

I found a good explanation on Mystery Bags here.

Check out my surprise Mystery Bag

I will be changing the contents of our Mystery bags from time to time. This time round  I am using her toy food.

I used to do this with Lil Muallim # 1 with a plastic bag and fresh vegetables and fruits. Thats how he learned them all. He used to thoroughly enjoy it. Now that I am rediscovering the Mystery Bags I intend to do special ones for Lil Muallim # 2. I always felt guilty for not doing it with him.

Inshallah Khair... Evrything iin it's own time.

Lil Muallimah Using the Mystery Bag

I showed her how to do it...saying "No peeking!:)" It was really fun to watch her do it. She felt the object and exclaimed.."It's a banana!" After two or three objects she tried to peak first... so then I pulled a snow hat over her eyes..hehe.

When she came to corn she couldn't remember the name, so she pulled up her snow hat and said ..."It's what baba makes out there ...on that" pointing in the backyard towards the BBQ grill. So I hinted the name ........... :)

 Older Muallims...

Lil Mualliamh was giggling away after each guess Mashallah!

May Allah protect our children Ameen!

Lil Muallim # 1 and 2 were again competing for their turns and were asking for one of their own... their level!!!

But they still did this one.. infact Lil Muallim # 1 couldn't get lemon haha!

Lil Mualllim # 2 is insisting that I make his Mytery bag, just as I anticipated..... so I will obliged. Check out Lil Muallim # 2's Mystery Bags.
Hand Eye Co-ordination

Dry Pouring

I noticed Lil Muallimahs tendency to play a pouring game with her cryskals (crystals) more than spooning. So I made a special dry pouring activity for her using her toys and corn kernels 

The idea is to pour back and forth

Wet Pouring

I always find her pretending to make tea and serving me. So I made pretend tea pouring with water. 

Lil Muallimah Doing It

Once a cup was filled, the water from the cup was poured into a big container. 

Once all the water in the kettle was finished. Lil Muallimah poured back the water from teh big container into the kettle

And she was all ready to go again! :)

 Older Muallims...

Not only did they want to do it, they even added their own difficulty level.. Mashallah!

Lil Muallim # 2's  idea!

This does involve dexterity... I am so glad he came up with this.



I loved this activity that I saw on a wonderful blog. There are a lot more ideas there do check it out here. This is the blog that really got me going. Alhumdolillah :)

Here's my small space inserting activity.  Only I didn't want to use noodles as they would go waste, besides breaking easily. So I used  skewers instead.

Lil Muallimah Doing It

I bought the container at the $ store. What a find :) Alhumdolillah!


Adding a twist to the spooning activity, here I used Lil Muallimahs toys and a couple of big beads I got at the $ store. 

Lil Muallimah Doing It

Using different kinds of spoons and objects changes the level of activity and adds to the fun.

All in all we had a really fun activity time today Alhumdolillah

Special Surprise for ME

Lil Muallim # 2 designed a new activity for Lil Muallimah....."Mama we could make this an activity too"

What did he make?

Beading on Skewers

Lil Muallimah took to this one immediately!!!!



(he even chose the colors for my 2 statemnets above hehe)


  1. asalaamu alaikum,

    maasha'Allah! such cute activities. i particularly like the beading activity. it brings back fond memories of something i used to do as a child. thanks for sharing this...can't wait to do this with my own kids (and perhaps insha'Allah, give them fond memories also!)

  2. Walaykum assalam,

    I had been waiting to get plastic table mats from the $ store. Jazakallah for the tip. I'll definitely remember the cutting sheets too on my next $ store trip. Definitely is a good idea, as the whole idea for a tray is to give the child a sense of space and learn to contain the activity within that space.


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