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Monday, July 23, 2012

Quran Translation


In the past we have discussed the meaning and explanation of the Quran while memorizing surahs, discussing stories of the Prophets or other topics.

This Ramadan by the Grace and Mercy of Allah we have embarked on the Beautiful journey of reading the Translation of Quran from the beginning, while discussing the backgrounds of certain verses and all that comes with it. We are trying to know what Allah has said to us, so we can improve our understanding of the Quran and Allah's expectations from us.... Beidhnillah

We are using Yahya Emerick's .............
The Meaning of the Holy Qur'an for School Children
Click on image to see inside the book
A kind friend introduced us to this wonderful translation. May Allah make it one the best source of sadaq e jariah for her Ameen. It is indeed a very easy read with kids compared to other translations available. It is unique in it's approach for facilitate understanding for young children. It is a complete running translation of the Quran in simple English with wonderful introduction to surahs or topics,  back grounds of verses, simple illustrations. The best feature in my opinion is the division of Ayahs under headings as the topic changes within a surah. It is a wonderful project and a must have for every home with kids 7-18. May Allah bless and reward all the people responsible for publishing this much needed book.

I am trying to read it with Lil Muallim # 1 and 2, with Lil Muallimah sitting with us at times. I have to admit she can get interruptive at times. Then, boys are boys and can be quite fidgety, so I am trying to keep them engaged by showing them related material and short discussions in the middle, keeping it interactive. I also let them fiddle around with something in their hands, which somehow makes them sit it out for longer.... Alhumdolillah. Within a few days I should be able to figure out the right time for this important work as well as the duration so it runs smoothly (like me not having to close the translation in the middle as  I felt that we were loosing the adab) Baidhnillah!

As we are moving along we hope to make mind maps, watch some short videos, make timelines, maps etc to consolidate our learning. 

Alhumdolillah we have had some moments where I feel Allahs words sinking in to their hearts, with their gaping eyes and serious questions, seeking better understanding. With time I hope for them to crave and ask for the translation time themsleves every day Inshallah!

I pray to Allah to give us istiqamah to continue this task on a daily basis to the end. May He grant me with patience and my children to sit and listen respectfully and diligently. May He enable us to understand, reflect and improve ourselves and guide us to the straight path.... as He is Al Qadir (Al powerful) and Al Hadi (The one who Guides)  


  1. MashaAllah. JazakAllahu khairun for sharing this title with us i will look into it in the future inshaAllah.

  2. definitely is a must have in every home.

  3. Alhamdulillah.. great post sister.

  4. I am looking for best shia Quran Academy please tell me if there is any best shia Quran Academy in USA.


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