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Sunday, May 1, 2016

Ramadan Reading Challenge 2016


It's that time of the year again, when we start a mental countdown for Ramadan. It is a time when we start planning and hoping how we want this Ramadan to be better than our last one.

I would like to re-introduce our Ramadan Reading Challenge, in the hopes more of you join us and share the titles you and your children would like to read to improve your Ramadan.

Umamah Learning Academy welcomes you to join our

I would like to re-introduce our Ramadan Reading Challenge, in the hopes more of you join us and share the titles you and your children would like to read to improve your Ramadan.

You can see our Reading Shelf HERE.

If you have Islamic books in your book shelf that you have been wanting to read for the longest time ? Or you have books that you collected especially for this Ramadan for yourself and /or your chidlren? Then this post is for you.

If you have a blog, simply copy paste the image below on your blog, Facebook page and share what you are reading as a Umamah Learning Academy Ramadan Read-a-thon Challenge Participant. Whether you join our challenge as a reader or blogger, make sure to let us know of your participation in the comments sections below.

We hope to spend this Ramadan in increased ibadah as well as increase in Islamic knowledge Beidhnillah

Rabana Zidna Ilma: "O our Lord! increase us in knowledge"

I have to admit. Lately I have been feeling really guilty about our unread book collection. So I decided to turn it into an exciting challenge for myself and my kids.

We hope to keep a record of our readings in some creative way and would love to see your ideas too.

As we read along I hope to share more titles and some reviews and reflections Inshallah.

Hoping to hear from a lot of you.........


  1. In sha Allah, if I have time I'd like to join :)I have quite a few unread books myself!

  2. Assalamo alaikum Sr Jameela, So good to hear from you. What titles will you be reading. I will be posting pics of our Ramadan Reading Challenge Books. Would loev to see yours too. I am hoping to share pics of our participants too. So go ahead and share your pic &


I would love to know what you think of my post and even sharing something related to the post with me. As I love to share and learn from others.