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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I'm Back

Assalamo alaikum Warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu ,

I know many of you had been wondering where I had vanished to soem even contacted me through the blog or personally to inquire about me. Jazakallaho khairin toa ll you wonderful sisters for showing your concern and duas.

Alhumdolillah I am well. I was just VERY BUSY sorting out my priorities........ my health, my kids needs as they are growing, our new homeschool year and homeschool room. my crazy number of printouts, resources, and all the regular name it. Alhumdolillah I seem to have things quite under control now. Still sorting the last bits of things but have covered the major stuff Alhumdolillah! Phew......... seemed like forever!

Having said that. You might get a bombardment of posts.. The first of which will be the "missing Ramadan activities posts."

Next I want to start posting a lot of math activities we are exploring with our new approach to math with the Math on the Level Program we are enjoying so much. You can read the intro of that in this previous post

I also got some Montessori material at a very good price from a dear friend, so really enjoying those Alhumdolillah. Jazakallaho khairun Umm Yusuf.

There's just so much to share .. May Allah put barakah in my time to deal with my priorities as well share our adventures on the blog, because I love to share learn and share with others. :)

Umm Umamah


  1. Assalaamu Alaikum warahmathullaah!

    Oh Oh Marhaban biki! Welcome Back, missed you around! I something told me today just check your blog may be she is back, as still we do not get your blog updates even though we are following!!!

    So nice to have you back after a long break and sincerely hope you are well and everything is pretty normal Insha Allaah. May Allaah make everything easy for you and looking forward to all your posts Insha Allaah!

  2. Walykum assalam warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Ukhti,

    Jazakallahu khairun for your kind words as usual. I will really have to look into why you and other sisters can't get to see my updates. Will let you know if I figure it out. Inshallah!

    May Allah put barakah in our times and help us to spend it in His way in the best way Ameen. Haven't checked your or the other blogs I frequent in the longest time. Hoping to get back in teh loop of things Beidhnillah.


I would love to know what you think of my post and even sharing something related to the post with me. As I love to share and learn from others.