Friday, September 7, 2012

Pegs for motor skills

Three finger grip Tub # 2

I loved this idea for it's simplicity and effectiveness. I learnt it while volunteering at a Montessori. This activity really keeps the child absorbed Mashallah! What is it? Pegging clothes pegs hehehehe! So I put 10 pegs in a tub. She brings the tub to the table and clips the pegs on the sides of the tub one by one very carefully. I am amazed at how this activity keeps her absorbed Mashallah and the sense of accomplishment when done is priceless. According to Montessori method the trick for this fine motor skill to be beneficial is to allow using only 3 fingers (the thumb and the first 2 finger). Once all pegs have been pegged, she unpegs the sides and puts them back in the tub. The whole process gives a true sense of accomplishment to the child Alhumdolillah!

Right now I am using the wooden pegs from the $ store. Later on I will change them to the plastic ones which I find harder to press (from experience).

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