An Egg Unit Study
NOTE: This is going to be a long post. But Inshallah you will find many interesting and useful resources in it. You will find this topic covered through Language, Biology, Chemistry, Physics as well as Math. Please note all our studies will be based on bird eggs.. Mainly chicken egg
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For the Language part of the Unit Study we are working on a book report, sequence of events, vocabulary and picking different parts of speech. We also found an alphabetical order sheet, for parts of an egg in the lesson plan below.
Egg Color
My Lil Muallims were amazed at what different colored eggs there could be. Just another way to remind of Allah being Al Musawwir. While I was marveling at the colored eggs there must be, Lil Muallim #1 was busy discussing which one he would like to eat, and which one he wouldn't !
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guillemot egg - source: wikipedia
Robin Eggs-source: wikipedia
emu egg - source: wikipedia
Calendar Sense
As our unit study started with the question: How long does it take a chick to come out from the egg. The answer was 21 days or 3 weeks. Lil maullim # 2 got to understand the concept through reviewing the days of the week and counting by 7's
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I got the development of a chick diagram from enchanted learning, and printed it b/w (I don't have a colored printer). Lil Mullim # 2 then pasted the cut outs, 1 on each day of the month till he reached 21.
I used August 2010 Calendar, as it's week starts from Sunday, making it easier to grasp the concept of weeks passing.
Through this visual learning Lil Muallim # 2 quickly grasped:
- A week has 7 days
- 2 weeks has 14 days
- 3 weeks 21 days
We discussed this in different ways, addition, calendar reading and counting by 7's.
Number Sense
Lil Muallim # 2 counting by Dozens
Our dozen and 1/2 dozen cards
Counting by dozens
Playing Money Game
Right after counting by dozens Lil Muallim # 2 came up with a game. It consumed him and Lil Muallimah for almost 3 hours.
Adventures of Farmer Blue and Farmer Brown
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Selling raw and cooked regular eggs |
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Selling raw and cooked ORGANIC eggs |
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That's paper money on the left The eggs were sold for $ 20 per dozen :) |
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Cooking eggs |
Lil Mualim # 2 Counting by 6's and 12's
Lil Muallim # 2 colored in multiples of 6's and 12's on a hundred numbers chart. I helped him find the pattern and he picked it up Alhumdolillah. We used the 1/2 dozen and 1 dozen cards as manipulatives.
Lil Muallim #1 Counting by Dozen Through Tables
Timed Drills
pics coming doon
Smallest egg
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1.8 cm |
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1.7 cm |
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1.5 cm |
Then I thought of using something with an ovoid (3D oval) shape to keep Lil Muallim # 2's mind focused on an egg. So, we measured black cardomoms. The smallest black cardamom we found was still 1.4 cm long. Then we tried small green cardamoms. After a couple of measurements we found a close match. Eureka!!
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1.4 cm |
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1.2 cm |
Largest Egg
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We also learnt that one ostrich egg equals to almost 24 chicken eggs, which means 2 dozen eggs!!! We are thinking of visiting an ostrich farm, maybe we will bring back a souvegnier and eat it too. haha!
Size Comparison
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source: wikipedia |
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Lil Muallim # 2 practiced measuring lines in cm |
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Lil Muallim # 1 measured in cm and then practiced conversion into inches orally. Mashallah |
Boiling Eggs
Boiling an Ostrich Egg : We learnt it takes 90 minutes to 2 hours to boil an Ostrich egg. Subhanallah!! A lesson on SABR if you are very hungry, as the patience would pay off. Especially for Lil Muallim #1 (haha!) For him that would be a real feast. :)
When covering a science topic I usually do it with all the kids at different levels. As Lil Muallim # 1 was already about to study about the cells. I thought it would tie in perfectly with studying an egg first as it is really a big cell. Secondly, Lil Muallim #1 LOVES eggs. He always has! The mention of an egg can bring a smile on his face even in the worst of moods. Subhanallh. So what better science topic for him than studying closely what he loves in a very scientific way.
LOGIC: Whether the egg is big or small....Why don't the eggs break when the mother bird sits on it?
We found that as Allah made the eggs ovoid, their arch shape gives them incredible strength as the arches distributes the weight all around the egg. Thats why they usually use the arch structure in bridges.
Boiling Eggs
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HARD BOILED took 7 minutes after
water came to a boil
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source:cooking a soft boil egg
SOFT BOILED took 3 minutes after
water came to a boil

As we started off with our egg experiments 2 weeks ago, it was only natural to study its structure and composition too. We came across a lot of wonderful observations. There's so much to learn from a single creation of Allah the Al-Khaliq.....The Ultimate Creator.
source : DK free clipart
We did an experiment to check the resilience of eggs, with four eggs in an egg carton and piling almost 20 hardcover books weighing 10 pounds on top of it...... But forgot to take pictures. Check out a similar experiment here.

Go ahead try squeezing an egg in your palm with all your might. You will be surprised but you won't be able to break it!
Lil Muallaim # 2 trying to squeeze an egg
PHYSICS: I was amazed at the possibility of studying the Laws of Motion with eggs. For this Lil Muallim #1 had to observe and find the answer to this question.
What if the egg is hard boiled?
What if the hard boiled egg is spun really fast?
Refracting Eggs
PHYSICS: We noticed refraction of light with an egg. A perfect opportunity to study, that light bends when it enters a denser medium, making the egg looked enlarged.
we could see the top of the egg in actual size as it was
out of the water. But the rest of the egg seemed larger.
Telling a Good Egg from a Bad Egg
One egg is good one is bad. Which ones which?
The answer to this can be found in Part 1 of our fresh and rotten egg experiment here.
Sink or Float?
Using the same sinking fresh egg from the above experiment we tried something different.
You will find our finding in the part 2 of this experiment here.
Chemical composition of an Egg Shell
An egg shell is mainly composed of Calcium carbonate crsystals
Secondary level reference: I found an excellent experiment with explanation for our future use Inshallah. I am adding it here incase some of you find it useful,
Organic vs Non Organic
On comparing an organic egg shell with a regular white egg shell, there is a clear difference in the structure of the shell besides the colour.
Strength: At breakfast time I used both type of eggs so that my Lil Muallims could try and find the difference for them selves.
By cracking the egg shells with their fingers they were able to tell almost immediately that while the white egg shell is quite brittle and easily cracked the organic egg shell is harder and stronger than it. Subhanallah!

Knowing that the organic egg shell was thicker and stronger, Lil Muallims discussed and guessed that it would probably take longer to dissolve. It was time to try out. I wasn't in the mood to pickle an organic egg. So we decided to do a comparative study with just the shells.

Anatomy of an Egg cell
I found 2 excellent lessons on the "Anatomy of an Egg" and Lil Muallim # 1 studied them on his own.
Online Explanation
Printable lesson and worksheets.

He was able to recognize and talk about the function of each part, as the above lessons were pretty self explanatory. Alhumdolillah!
He noticed:
- the thicker part and watery part of the albumen.
- the white rope like chalazae
- the vitelline membrane covering the yolk
- the inner membrane lining the inside of the egg shell
- and the air cell pocket in the egg shell formed by the inner membrane in the broader end of the egg, but none if the narrower end of the ovoid
We noticed the air cell again in the bottom of the egg in a hard boiled egg here.
BIOLOGY: Now back to our initial question that started this unit study. How does a chick grow in an egg? Studying how a chick grows inside an egg is a wonderful way to marvel at Allah's Power and Giver of life. The Al-Qadir and Al-Muhyiy.
I got some labeling worksheets and a chick growth chart from Enchanted Learning to discuss this.
Watch a Beautiful Video of a Chick Hatching Subhanllah!
Another very cute one can be seen @ Museum of science and Industry Chicago
Hatching Eggs
BIOLOGY: One day we might even try and hatch our own. For now here's a link from Squidoo on hatching eggs.
CHEMISTRY: We learnt that egg is mainly composed of proteins, which are actually long chains of amino acids. The proteins in the egg white are curled, twisted and clustered together in a spherical shape which gives them the name of globular proteins (from globe).
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source: Wikipedia |
These proteins are held together by a weak bond. This bond is easily disturbed when the egg is heated, beaten or mixed.
Lil Muallim # 1's diagram for Globular proteins in an egg
Cooking with Eggs
Heating an Egg
Lil Muallim # 1 learnt about what happens to an egg when heated here. Here's a diagram made by he made showing the movement of the proteins when heated.
This made him understand something he always asked. Why does the egg white stop spreading? (He doesn't like eating small eggs)!
Beating an Egg
We all know when eggs are beated air bubbles are added into them whoch makes the egg fluffy. A very simple explanation talks about the science in this, in the Beat'em section here.
We also learnt and understood two new terms while studying this... Hydrophobic - water fearing and Hydrophylic - water loving.
A diagram made by Lil Maullim # 1 showing amino acids in action when eggs are beaten.
Making Meringue
We took 4 egg whites and started beating them up. The physical changes the egg whites went through were quite fascinating for my Lil Muallims.
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Foaming egg white |
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Thickening egg white |
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Frothing |
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peaks forming |
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After adding vinegar and sugar |
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Glossy Meringue |
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Baked |
In the end we made Pavlova. Ummi and Abi ate it all......Lil Muallims weren't interested. All the better for us :):):):)
Mixing Eggs
Lil Maullim # 2 and Lil Muallimah learnt that oil and water dont mix. Their experience and experiment can be seen here.
As Lil Maullim # 1 already knew that, the lesson had to go to the next level with him. So the question was proposed if you did want to mix oil and water what could you do?
The answer is use an emulsifier. Emulsi ... what?
An emulsifier simply means a good friend that helps two other friends get along.
For a more scientific explanation read the Mix'em up section here.
Lil Muallim's diagram showing the egg proteins when mixed in oil
Lil Muallim's diagram showing the egg proteins when mixed in oil
Making Mayonnaise
Lil Muallim learnt how an egg yolk acts as an emulsifier, by mixing oil and vinegar when making Mayonnaise .
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beaten egg yolks |
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mixing oil |
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Lil Muallims Yummy Mayonnaise with herbs and black pepper |
Inventive Fun With Eggs
Making Contraption for Egg Drop
For This Lil Muallim # 1 and 2 took the challenge of coming up with their own contraptions for an Egg Drop experiment.
What is Egg Drop? According to Wikipedia .......
"The egg drop contest is an experiment usually performed by college or primary school students. Competitors typically attempt to create a device that can keep a raw chicken egg intact when dropped from a height. Students are asked to build a device made from a limited amount of materials to support an egg when dropped from various heights."
My Lil Muallims made 5 contraptions each and tested them from a height of 10 ft with.
Here is a sneak peak of a few of their Contraptions

If you are interested in finding out what happened?
Click here for the details in the "DROPPING EGGS" post.
....(trying to find time to do it!!)--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This pretty much ends our Egg Unit Study. You can find useful links in the reference Links below:
Reference Links
Experiment Explanations:
Some Lesson Plans:
1 comment:
Goodness me, what an amazing blog. It's wonderful what you do with your children 😃
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